
Are you investing in Unlisted Shares

Unlisted shares are financial instruments or securities that are not listed on a stock exchanges. They can be bought and sold over-the-counter and are known as OTC (over-the-counter securities). In simple language unlisted securities are transferred from one demat account to another demat account.

Things to remember before investing in unlisted shares

  • No Assurance of IPO of Unlisted companies. Company may/may not propose or no clarity on IPO.
  • Risk include total or partial Capital Loss.
  • Risk of no dividends.
  • May or may not provide anticipated returns.
  • Risk include illiquidity.
  • Lock-in of shares upto 6 months post listing may be applicable.
  • Risk of dilution.
  • Trade though geniune brokers.
  • Do own due diligence before entering any transaction in unlisted markets

Disclaimer: Please verify the company independently. High chances of risk associated with the unlisted shares. We are not soliciting to buy any securities and only intended to provide quote. Please take proessional advise before investing in any security. We are trying hard to provide as much details as possible. Below is list of selective companies sourced from multiple sources and compiled manually. Quotes will only be provided if available.

For other enquires and/or queries, please write us or reach us here

* We are just showcasing logos of Respective companies or easy identification for Investors. Logos may be registered trademark of the respective companies.

List of Companies with its Brand Name

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Source: Industry Participants, Independent Sources etc